Spring time is a great time for races, the race season is full on in action! One weekend in April California Classic Weekend will take place in beautiful Fresno in Central California. The 2-day event will consist of a bike race which riders will ride on a closed freeway, and running race through the city of Fresno and the Fresno Zoo.
The Design

This year the organizers wanted to do something specials for those who participate in both day of races. They have specially designed the medals to be interlocking, both medals will perfectly fit on top of each other. To do that one of the medals will have to be double sided, so the bottom of one medal will ‘lock’ the top of the other. Our designer precisely positioned the word ‘California’ on the back of one of the medals to create that locking mechanism.
The Production

When we showed pictures of the first samples to the client, they felt the colors were darker than expected. It sometimes happen in this stage of the production, what was designed on screen did not quite translate into the actual medal. So they quickly tweaked the color, and we made a second set of samples, the new colors matched the shiny gold finish perfectly, clients were happy with the improvement then we went straight to production! We also made sure that the interlocking feature worked properly.

The event drew close to 3,000 participants. What’s better than a beautiful sunny weekend outdoors doing things that you love? The set of interlocking medals sure are a nice reminder!